I am a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University, with responsibilities in teaching, TA training, curricula development, program development, and research. I have training and 10+ of experience in both developing and instructing in-person and online courses in statistics and data science that range from 15 to 300 students.
My current research focuses on how to better the teaching and learning experiences for those involved. Additionally, I’m interested in sports analytics and creating dynamic tools to support data driven decision making as well as in developing statistics and data science curricula for both introductory and more advanced courses.
Teaching Assistant Professor, August 2024 - present
North Carolina State University | Raleigh, NC
Postdoc in Statistical Science, August 2022 - August 2024
Duke University | Durham, NC
Ph.D. in Statistics with a focus in Education, August 2022
Montana State University | Bozeman, MT
Master’s in Statistics, May 2018
Montana State University | Bozeman, MT